Yogic Diet
Yogic Diet
Yogic Diet Yogic diet encourages the sattvic diet (sattvic means ahimsa (non-harming)). It strongly believes that avoiding foods which involves the harming or killing of animals. At the same time Sattvic diets encourages eating foods that are ripened and grown naturally and foods grown harmoniously with nature. Yogic diet gives all the proteins, minerals and
Yoga poses to maintain ideal weight
Yoga poses to maintain ideal weight Like there are number of poses to improve your sexual elation and intimacy with your partner similarly there are many poses in yoga that are very useful when it comes to maintain ideal weight. People of this modern era are highly obese because of their poor routine and diet.
Yoga poses for beginners
Yoga poses for beginners
Yoga poses for beginners Beginners have to prepare the mind first. As a beginner we may have lots of misconception. So, as soon as possible find the good yoga teacher is the best advice. Do not worry about your body flexibility and strength. Just holding the body by hands or touching floors backwardly is not
Yoga History
Yoga History
Yoga History Yoga is originated from India around 5,000 years ago. (Some research says 10,000 years ago.)The word yoga mentioned in Rig Veda.(Rig Veda is a oldest sacred texts). The classical yoga pose is defined by the Rishi Patanjali (Father of Yoga). He wrote about Yoga, in his text called "Yoga Sutra" around 2000 years
Yoga for Your Weight Loss
Yoga for Your Weight Loss Many individuals are experiencing obesity and the problem of being overweight. Healthy weight loss is something that is very good for our body. it is something that most of the people do not know at all. As a result of it they try various methods for losing weight such as
Yoga for Beautiful You
Yoga for Beautiful You Yes, yoga makes you beautiful not only from outside but also internally. A lot of researches show that constant practice of yoga not only improves your health but also make you look and feel more beautiful than ever. 1. Reasons how yoga makes you beautiful Your self-confidence is boosted. Your body
Yoga at your own home
Yoga at your own home Practicing yoga at your own home is not so difficult as . In fact, this is easy unlike other workout programs that you to travel and be physically present in the gym. Performing yoga in your own home can bring you a lot of benefits plus it will be hassle-free.
Yoga and its History
Yoga and its History 1. What is Yoga? Yoga is a type of discipline that originally came from an Indian influence. It is a physical, mental, and spiritual exercise. Hatha yoga and Raja yoga are two of the famous practices. Yoga was believed to be developed during the ancient Indian times. It was presented to
Save money with yoga
Save money with yoga 1. Save Money on Yoga Classes as a Student There are many individuals who perceive yoga as an expensive regimen thus discouraging them to engage on this wonderful art. Added expense is definitely the last thing you will need especially if you are tight on your budget. In reality, you as
Meaning and schools of yoga
Meaning and schools of yoga 1. Some of the meanings of yoga are • It is a disciplined method to attain a certain goal. • Yoga’s techniques would allow the control of the both the mind and body. • Yoga is a label of one of the schools or a method of philosophy. • Yoga
Benefits of yoga for sex
Benefits of yoga for sex Yoga is not just for the development of the spirit, but it is also believed to neutralize health issues, stress reduction, and develops the spine. Yoga is practiced a whole exercise program and procedures for physical therapy. 1. Benefits of Yoga for sex By now, you already have learned that through
Ayurveda Ayurveda, Is a combined with 2 Sanskrit word, Ayur (Life) and Veda (Science). It literally means the science of life. Ayurveda is noted in the Ayurveda Veda (One of the 4 Ancient Vedas, five thousand years old) In India, until the recent few decades people fully relayed on the Ayurveda. Ayurveda has instructions to